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Empowering Women 

Reclaim You

Are You A Female Professional?


 Are you looking for a change?


Do you feel like you're holding yourself back?

Are you always putting others first?

Do self doubts limit your life choices?

I Can Help 


“Just a wee note to say a HUGE thank you for speaking – you did a great job and everyone loved the content!” Karen, Business Women Connections

What Clients Say...

"Dr Rachel offered me the safe space to express the issues I was facing and offered me guidance to reach a resolution in a caring, non judgemental way.

It was only with Rachel's help that I was able to stand up for myself and ask for my needs to be met at work and I am very thankful for this.

Thank you very much for the experience, it's been great!"

Meda, UK

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My name is Dr Rachel Milne.


As a coach and wellbeing expert, I support professional women, just like you, to take back control of their lives.

Anxiety. Fear. Overthinking. Overwhelm. Avoidance. Procrastination. Self doubt. 

These common issues can take over our lives, stopping us from reaching our full potential, holding us back from achieving our goals and dreams.  

Our thoughts and feelings can spin out of control...

Too often, we find ourselves stuck in default habits and situations that only make things worse, creating low energy and motivation for change - and draining our belief that we CAN change it..

Whether it's an issue in your personal or professional life...whether you have a specific goal, or a general feeling of being stuck and unsure what to do next...

I'd love to help YOU, to OVERCOME your fears, and the barriers that are holding you back.



To PRIORITISE YOU and what you truly want.


To CREATE OPTIONS and make choices that are in alignment, and EMPOWER YOU to take bold steps forward, toward creating a life you LOVE.


To NURTURE and care for YOURSELF. 


To sky rocket your SELF BELIEF.

To become LIMITLESS...

Let’s Work Together

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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